Terms and Conditions of www.alientradershub.com

 By utilizing any of our services, including simply browsing our websites, you are agreeing to be bound by the following Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with these terms, you may not use our services. 

These Terms and Conditions of Service and Use of www.alientradershub.com (referred to as the “Terms and Conditions”) are hereby effective as of 16.06.2023 and were last updated on 20.06.2023. Alienstradershub.com is a property owned by ALSIAL TREND S.R.L., VAT RO29148740, located at Str. Nucului, nr. 61, Sect. 3, Bucuresti. Throughout these Terms and Conditions, the terms “Alien Traders Hub,” “ATH,” “we,” “us,” or “our” refer specifically to the project www.alientradershub.com. 

www.alientradershub.com, along with all its associated content, materials, and services (collectively referred to as the “Site”), is an online resource dedicated to trading. The Site offers its customers and members access to various trading tools, trading platform indicators, templates, algorithmic bots, expert advisors, as well as educational materials. 

In order to grant access to and usage of the Site, we require every customer or member (referred to as “customer” or “you”) to demonstrate integrity, adhere to our rules for the Site, and comply with these Terms and Conditions, as well as any additional rules, regulations, or policies set forth by Alien Traders Hub. 

By using or accessing the Site, you agree to read these Terms and Conditions carefully and retain them for future reference. You acknowledge and understand that these Terms and Conditions govern all aspects of using the Site, as well as the products and services provided by Alien Traders Hub. Additionally, you confirm that you have received, read, and comprehended these Terms and Conditions, as well as the Privacy Policy of Alien Trades Hub. If you are unwilling to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, you must refrain from using or accessing the Site. 



By using or accessing the Site, you agree to the following general terms:


  • You are at least eighteen (18) years old.
  •  You agree to bear the sole risk, cost, and expense of providing, operating, and maintaining all necessary equipment, software, and internet access required to use the Site.
  • You have the full power and authority to enter into and comply with these Terms and Conditions without violating any other agreement.
  • You are not currently restricted or prohibited from using the Site or having an account with us. 
  • You are not a competitor of Alien Traders Hub, engaged in any business or activity, directly or indirectly, that competes with us, and you are not using the Site for any competitive purpose.
  • You will not infringe upon any rights of Alien Traders Hub, including intellectual property rights such as patents, copyrights, or trademarks.
  • You have received, read, and understood these Terms and Conditions, and acknowledge that they constitute a valid and binding agreement enforceable against you. 
  • You are bound by these Terms and Conditions, as well as any additional terms, conditions, rules, regulations, or policies of Alien Traders Hub, which may be amended or supplemented at our discretion without prior notice.
  • Your use of the Site must comply with applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules, and regulations, and you are solely responsible for understanding and complying with such laws. If you do not agree with any part of these Terms and Conditions, you are prohibited from using or accessing the Site 

You acknowledge and agree to the following:

  • The content, materials, services, and other intellectual property within the Site are owned by Alien Traders Hub and are protected by patent, copyright, trademark, and other similar laws.
  • You will not promote, offer for sale, or sell any product or service, including financial or investment products, securities, or services, through the Site.
  • You will not transmit unauthorized commercial communications (such as spam) or other similar materials or advertisements using the Site.
  • You will not access the Site using any automated means, including harvesting bots, robots, spiders, or scrapers.
  • You will not engage in multi-level marketing or pyramid schemes using the Site.
  • You will not upload, use, or disseminate viruses, malicious code, or other abusive scripts or processes.
  • You will not solicit login, account, or personal information from another person or gain unauthorized access to another person’s account.
  • You will not bully, intimidate, or harass any person.
  • You will not post objectionable content, including content that is hateful, threatening, pornographic, incites violence, or contains nudity, graphic material, or gratuitous violence.
  • You will not use the Site in any unlawful manner, including violations of securities or investment laws, rules and regulations, or regulations from regulatory bodies such as the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
  • You will not use the Site in a fraudulent, misleading, malicious, or discriminatory manner.
  • You will not take actions that could disable, overburden, or impair the operation or availability of the Site, such as a denial of service attack.
  • You will not engage in manipulative practices to obscure the true intent of your submissions or artificially generate traffic to another website.
  • You will not facilitate or encourage violations of these Terms and Conditions.
  • You will not make defamatory, disparaging, or false statements, claims, or allegations related to the Site or Alien Traders Hub.
  • You will not make your account or the services provided available to the general public.
  • You will not issue chargeback disputes against Alien Traders Hub.
  • You will not use patented, copyrighted, trademarked, or other protected intellectual property without written consent and authorization from the owner.
  • You will not copy, distribute, disseminate, transfer, or mirror the Site or any portion thereof without permission.
  • You will not decompile or reverse engineer the Site or any portion thereof.
  • You will not take any action that could damage or disrupt the Site or result in liability, damages, costs, or expenses for Alien Traders Hub.
  • You will not share personal information with members or request personal information from members.

 You agree that all content, materials, and services provided on the Site shall be used solely for your personal use in connection with your trading activities. Any use of the content, materials, or services for purposes other than personal use and trading activities is strictly prohibited.

Violation of any of the aforementioned terms may result in immediate removal from Alien Traders Hub, and you will forfeit your right to request a refund.


By becoming a customer of Alien Traders Hub and using the Site, you are granted a limited revocable license to use the Site, its products, services, content, and materials. This license is solely for your personal use and for the purposes outlined on the Site. It is subject to these Terms and Conditions and any other rules, regulations, and policies imposed or adopted by Alien Traders Hub in connection with the Site. Please note that Alien Traders Hub reserves the right to amend these terms at any time without notice. This limited revocable license can be revoked or terminated by Alien Traders Hub at any time, at its sole discretion and without cause. 

Please note that this limited revocable license will be automatically revoked and terminated if you violate any of these Terms and Conditions or any other rule, regulation, or policy of Alien Traders Hub. Upon revocation or termination of this license, you are required to destroy any products, services, or materials (whether electronic or physical) related to the Site that are in your possession or control. You acknowledge that after such revocation or termination, Alien Traders Hub may deny you access to the Site and any other content, materials, or services at its sole discretion.

If your limited revocable license is revoked or terminated by Alien Traders Hub, any personal information you have provided will be handled in accordance with the terms of Alien Traders Hub’s Privacy Policy. Please be aware that any information you submit to Alien Traders Hub is done so at your own risk, and Alien Traders Hub assumes no liability or responsibility for its loss or misuse. 

Alien Traders Hub retains all rights, including title, ownership, intellectual property rights, and all other interests in the Site, the products and services offered, and all related content, materials, services, and other documents or information, including copies and derivative works thereof. You acknowledge that the Site, products, services, and related content are protected by copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property laws, and are the property of Alien Traders Hub.

You further acknowledge that the Site, products, services, and related content contain proprietary data and information owned by Alien Traders Hub. You agree not to use this data or information for any unlawful or unauthorized purposes, and to make reasonable efforts to protect them from unauthorized distribution or use.

Additionally, by submitting any information, content, ideas, concepts, techniques, data, or suggestions to the Site, you grant Alien Traders Hub an exclusive, irrevocable, worldwide, perpetual, unlimited, freely assignable, sublicenseable, fully paid up, and royalty-free right to use, copy, prepare derivative works of, improve, distribute, publish, remove, retain, add, process, analyze, and commercialize such submissions. This includes using the submissions to improve or modify the Site, its content, materials, products, or services, or to create or develop new content, materials, services, or products related to the Site, without requiring any further consent, notice, or compensation to you or any third parties.

Please note that any information or content you submit to the Site is done at your own risk, and Alien Traders Hub assumes no liability or responsibility for such submissions.



Alien Traders Hub reserves the right to investigate any violations of these Terms and Conditions, as well as any other policies of Alien Traders Hub or the Site, and any violations of applicable laws. If a violation is found, Alien Traders Hub may take appropriate actions and pursue remedies available under the law.

You acknowledge and agree that Alien Traders Hub may notify and cooperate with law enforcement authorities in the investigation and prosecution of users who violate these Terms and Conditions or any other policies, as well as any state, federal, or local laws.

While Alien Traders Hub does not have an obligation to screen or monitor users, information, materials, or content provided through the Site, it retains the right to do so at its sole discretion.

Alien Traders Hub reserves the right to remove or delete any entries, information, materials, or content deemed to violate these Terms and Conditions or that Alien Traders Hub finds objectionable in its sole discretion. Additionally, Alien Traders Hub may terminate the subscription, membership, or account of any user who violates these Terms and Conditions or posts objectionable content.

If you breach these Terms and Conditions, Alien Traders Hub may, at its sole discretion, cancel, suspend, or terminate your account. Furthermore, Alien Traders Hub may refuse to permit any use of the Site and deny access or use of the Site or your account to any person, for any reason, at any time.


Purchases and refunds are subject to the following terms and conditions:

  1. Payment and Delivery: To purchase individual products through the Site, you will need a valid credit card or a PayPal account. The purchase amount will be charged to your credit card or PayPal account at the time of purchase. Digital versions of products will be provided through download links or instructions; no physical copies will be shipped.
  2. Non-Refundable Payments: All payments made to Alien Traders Hub for products, accounts, or services are non-refundable. Alien Traders Hub does not offer refunds or credits for any reason, including satisfaction. By purchasing our products, you agree that there will be no circumstances in which you are entitled to a refund or credit, regardless of satisfaction. Our products have demos or past results available, and by purchasing them, you assume that you have tested them and agree with their future results. Please note that past results do not guarantee future results.
  3. Taxes and Duties: All fees charged by Alien Traders Hub for products or services are exclusive of any taxes, levies, or duties imposed by taxing authorities. You are responsible for paying any such taxes, levies, or duties related to your purchase or use of the Site.
  4. Marketplace Purchases: Some of our products may be available for purchase on different marketplaces. If you purchase our products from a marketplace, the specific terms and conditions of that marketplace will also apply.
  5. Refund Policy for Functionality Issues: If you encounter a problem with the functionality of our product and have followed the installation and functionality instructions provided on our website or in the instructions document, you may request a refund within 7 days. To be eligible for a refund, you must demonstrate the issue through a video recording and show that you followed all the provided steps and the product does not work. After the 7-day period, it is assumed that you have successfully utilized and tested the product. We recommend trying our product on a demo account to familiarize yourself with its settings and functionality.

Please note that these terms and conditions govern the purchases and refunds made through the Site, and any additional terms and conditions of specific marketplaces will also apply if you make purchases there.



Alien Traders Hub reserves the right to make modifications to the Site, including its content, materials, and services offered, as well as the fees, costs, and pricing associated with the Site. You acknowledge and agree that Alien Traders Hub may modify the Site at any time without prior notice. This includes the right to modify or discontinue the Site, either temporarily or permanently, without notice. Any new features that enhance the current version of the Site, including the introduction of new tools and resources, will be subject to these Terms and Conditions and may result in a price increase at Alien Traders Hub’s discretion.

Alien Traders Hub shall not be liable to you or any third party for any damages, costs, expenses, or other liabilities arising from any modifications, price changes, suspensions, or discontinuance of the Site.

In order to notify you of certain modifications to the Site or changes in pricing, Alien Traders Hub may use banner notices or similar devices. Alternatively, notice may be provided through email sent to the address associated with your account or service, even if there are other contact details available. You agree that Alien Traders Hub may communicate with you through various means, including email, mobile number, telephone, or postal service, regarding your account, service, or any products or services associated with the Site. It is your responsibility to maintain accurate contact and other information, and Alien Traders Hub shall not be liable for any consequences arising from your failure to receive critical information about the Site or pricing due to inaccurate or outdated information. 


You have the option to cancel your account or service at any time, subject to the terms outlined herein. However, please note that no refunds will be issued if you cancel your account or other periodic fee-based service before the end of the applicable period or term.

To properly cancel your account or service, you are solely responsible for initiating the cancellation process. You can do so by sending a written cancellation request via email to contact@alientradershub.com. This request must receive a confirmation of receipt from Alien Traders Hub. Cancellation requests made through telephone, facsimile, or other means of communication will not be accepted, honored, or effective. Alien Traders Hub will process the cancellation in accordance with its timelines and procedures for email cancellations.

Upon cancellation of your account or service, your account will be deactivated and deleted immediately. This will result in the denial of access to the Site and the forfeiture and relinquishment of all content and information associated with your account or service. Please note that once your account or service is canceled, it will not be possible to recover any data, content, or information. Therefore, it is your responsibility to preserve any desired data, content, or information prior to cancellation.

While Alien Traders Hub may retain data, content, or information from your account in backup or archival copies of the Site and related databases after cancellation, these copies will not be available to you. 


The Site is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis, and Alien Traders Hub expressly disclaims all warranties, to the fullest extent permitted by law. This includes, but is not limited to, the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement of proprietary rights. Alien Traders Hub disclaims any warranties regarding the security, reliability, availability, service levels, timeliness, and performance of the Site.

Alien Traders Hub does not guarantee or warrant that:

  1. The Site will meet your specific requirements.
  2. The Site will be uninterrupted, timely, available, secure, or error-free.
  3. Any results may be obtained from your use of the Site, or that any data, content, or information on the Site is or will be valid, accurate, timely, adequate, complete, legal, or otherwise reliable.
  4. The quality of any products, services, information, or other material purchased or obtained by you through the Site will meet your expectations.
  5. Any errors in the Site will be corrected.

Alien Traders Hub also disclaims any warranties for any information, content, product, service, or advice obtained through the Site, as well as warranties for services or goods received through or advertised on the Site or received through any links provided by the Site.

You acknowledge and agree that your use of the Site, and any content, services, or other information or materials related thereto, is solely at your own discretion and risk. You are solely responsible for any liability, claim, damages, loss, cost, or expense that results from or arises from your use of the Site or any related content, services, products, or other information or materials. You expressly disclaim, release, and waive any liability, claim, damages, loss, cost, or expense related to or arising from the warranties disclaimed by Alien Traders Hub.

Please note that this disclaimer of warranties applies within the boundaries of the law and may not be enforceable in some jurisdictions.


The Site and other products and services provided by Alien Traders Hub may include links to third-party websites or applications. It is important to note that the inclusion of a link to a website does not imply endorsement, authorization, or affiliation with that third party. Alien Traders Hub has not reviewed all of the websites linked to or from the Site or its other products and services, and therefore, we are not responsible for the content of any linked website. We do not exercise control over these third-party websites, and your use of such links is at your own risk.

Alien Traders Hub does not make any representations or warranties, express or implied, regarding the content of third-party websites, the products or services offered by these websites, or the accuracy, completeness, reliability, suitability, non-infringement, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose of such websites or their content.

When you access third-party websites through links on the Site or other products and services of Alien Traders Hub, you should review the terms and conditions and privacy policies of those websites. Any interactions, transactions, or engagements with third-party websites are solely between you and the respective third party, and Alien Traders Hub is not responsible for any consequences arising from such interactions.

It is advisable to exercise caution and conduct your own due diligence when accessing and using third-party websites or applications. 


Alien Traders Hub, along with its directors, officers, shareholders, employees, agents, and affiliates, shall not be liable to you under any legal or equitable theory for any consequential, incidental, punitive, exemplary, special, or indirect damages of any kind. This includes, but is not limited to, lost profits, revenues, and business, arising out of, under, or relating to these terms and conditions, your use of the Site, or any products or services provided by Alien Traders Hub.

This limitation of liability applies regardless of whether Alien Traders Hub was advised of the possibility of such damages. It encompasses any claims, damages, losses, costs, or expenses incurred by you, including those arising from the use or inability to use the Site or any products or services provided by Alien Traders Hub.

It is important to note that some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages. Therefore, the above limitation may not apply to you in its entirety. In such cases, the liability of Alien Traders Hub, its directors, officers, shareholders, employees, agents, and affiliates shall be limited to the maximum extent permitted by law.

Please carefully review and understand these limitations of liability before using the Site or engaging with the products or services offered by Alien Traders Hub. 


You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Alien Traders Hub, its officers, directors, shareholders, employees, agents, and affiliates from any and all claims, losses, damages, liabilities, and expenses (including attorneys’ fees) arising from or related to:

(i) Your breach of any representation or warranty contained in these Terms and Conditions, (ii) Your breach of, or failure to comply with, any term contained in these Terms and Conditions, (iii) Your use of the Site or any products or services provided by Alien Traders Hub, or (iv) Your use of, access to, or other activity engaged in on, through, related to, or in connection with the Site.

You agree to fully cooperate with Alien Traders Hub in the defense of any such claim and to bear the costs of such defense, including attorneys’ fees. Alien Traders Hub reserves the right to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter subject to indemnification by you, and you shall not settle any matter without the prior written consent of Alien Traders Hub.

It is important to review and understand this indemnification provision. By using the Site or engaging with the products or services of Alien Traders Hub, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless Alien Traders Hub and its related parties from any claims or expenses that may arise from your actions or use of the Site. 


Alien Traders Hub may use and disclose any information provided by you through the Site or other products and services, including information provided via email, for lawful purposes unless you indicate otherwise in accordance with the policies and procedures of Alien Traders Hub. You acknowledge that you will not be entitled to any compensation for the use of such information. For more details, please refer to the Privacy Policy provided by Alien Traders Hub.


By attending Alien Traders Hub’s events, you consent to the recording and photography of the events. You agree that Alien Traders Hub may utilize the audio, video, and photographs in which you may appear for marketing purposes and the production of educational content. This includes but is not limited to using the recorded material and photographs on the Alien Traders Hub website, social media platforms, promotional materials, and other marketing channels.


Alien Traders Hub reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice. By using the Site, you agree to be bound by the current version of the Terms and Conditions. Your continued use of the Site confirms your agreement to the updated Terms and Conditions. It is your responsibility to regularly check the Site for the most up-to-date information regarding the Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy.

Alien Traders Hub may make changes to the Site and other products and services without notice. However, there is no guarantee that the Site and other products and services will be updated or maintained. Alien Traders Hub also reserves the right to remove products and services from the site without notification. 


This agreement shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Romanian state, regardless of its conflict of law principles. If a dispute is not first resolved through good faith negotiation between the parties who have agreed to this contract, any controversy or dispute arising out of this agreement shall be submitted to a mediator. Mediation shall take place within ninety (90) days from the date of the initial request and shall occur in Bucharest, Romania, or through remote communication means (Skype, telephone, etc.). The parties shall cooperate during the mediation process to ensure that the mediation procedure is completed within the ninety (90) day period.

In the event that the resolution of any disputes is not possible amicably, the parties shall resort to the competent courts of Bucharest, Romania.

If any court determines that any term, provision, covenant, or condition of this agreement is invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remainder of the agreement shall remain in effect and shall not be in any way affected or invalidated.

Any claim arising from these Terms and Conditions or related to the Site or Alien Traders Hub will be governed by the laws of Romania, without considering its conflict of law provisions. Such claims will be exclusively resolved by a state or federal court located in Bucharest, Romania. By using the Site, you agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of the courts located within Bucharest City, Romania, or another location chosen by Alien Traders Hub, for the purpose of litigating such claims. However, Alien Traders Hub reserves the right to seek injunctive remedies or equivalent urgent legal relief in any jurisdiction. Additionally, except as otherwise provided, any controversy or claim related to the provision of services, products, or materials by Alien Traders Hub will be resolved through individual binding arbitration, rather than through class-wide or collective action.

The Site and other products and services of Alien Traders Hub are primarily intended for individuals residing in Romania. If you choose to access and use the Site or other products and services from other locations, you do so at your own risk and are responsible for complying with the applicable laws, rules, and regulations. Alien Traders Hub reserves the right to restrict the availability of the Site and any other products or services to specific individuals, geographic areas, or jurisdictions, at any time and at its sole discretion.


If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is deemed illegal, void, or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction or arbitrator, the unenforceable provision will be modified to the extent necessary to make it enforceable and reflect the original intention of the provision. If a court or arbitrator finds the modified provision to be invalid, illegal, void, or unenforceable, it will not affect the validity, legality, or enforceability of the remaining provisions of these Terms and Conditions.


The failure of Alien Traders Hub to take action in response to a breach of these Terms and Conditions by you or others does not waive its right to act in response to that breach or any subsequent similar or other breaches. 


Alien Traders Hub expressly disclaims and discloses the following, and you confirm that you understand, acknowledge, and agree to the following, and expressly disclaim, release, and waive any liability, claim, damages, loss, cost, or expense inconsistent with, related to, or arising from the following:

  1. Responsibility: Alien Traders Hub is not registered as an investment adviser with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and does not offer personalized investment advice. Any content, material, information, or informational offering provided by Alien Traders Hub is impersonal and not tailored to your specific investment needs. You are solely responsible for all decisions regarding your investments, including the suitability, profitability, and appropriateness of any security, investment, financial product, or investment strategy.
  2. Professional Advice: Alien Traders Hub does not provide legal, tax, estate planning, or accounting advice, nor does it provide advice regarding the suitability, profitability, or appropriateness of any investment or financial matter. It is recommended that you consult with professional, licensed, and qualified financial, legal, tax, estate planning, and accounting advisors before making any investment decisions.
  3. Simulated or Hypothetical Performance: Results presented on the Alien Traders Hub website or any other platform may be based on simulated or hypothetical performance. Your actual results may differ from reported results due to various factors, including trading commissions, market factors, and server or delivery delays. You assume full responsibility for using any of Alien Traders Hub’s products or services.
  4. Trades and Returns: Trades may be called out, posted, or alerted for informational and teaching purposes only, but may not be executed. Alien Traders Hub has no obligation to notify you about real versus simulated or hypothetical trades and returns, and they are not obligated to provide trade records or maintain records.
  5. Release of Liability: By using the Alien Traders Hub website, you contract and consent to their operations and release Alien Traders Hub, its directors, officers, shareholders, employees, agents, and affiliates from any liability, claim, loss, cost, expense, or damages arising from the use of their products, services, or information.
  6. Trading Risks: Trading in any security involves risks, and you should only invest funds that you can afford to lose. It is advised not to invest money that is allocated for other purposes such as retirement savings, student loans, mortgages, education, or debt reduction.
  7. Testing and Evaluation: It is strongly advised to test Alien Traders Hub’s products or services on a demo or test account or with a small risk before using them with real funds. You bear the sole responsibility for evaluating the functionality of the products or services, even if they do not perform as expected or result in losses.

Please note that the above disclaimers are provided within the boundaries of the law and may not be enforceable in some jurisdictions. 


The purchase and sale of securities, futures, or commodities involve a high degree of risk and are speculative in nature. It is important that individuals who engage in such activities understand and accept the risks involved, have independently reviewed and determined their acceptance and suitability of these risks, and have considered the financial and tax consequences. Only those who can afford the risk of substantial or complete loss of funds should participate in these activities.

Alien Traders Hub, its products, services, content, and information provided on the Site do not guarantee any predictable, general, specific, or other results. The purchase and sale of securities, as well as any other investment activity, carry a high degree of risk, and various factors can materially and adversely affect the results, potentially leading to a significant or complete loss of investment. It is your responsibility to independently analyze, review, and make your own decisions regarding trading activity.

By purchasing any products or services from this website, you acknowledge and understand that past performance does not guarantee the same future results. The presentation of simulation and hypothetical results on the website is for informational purposes only. If you choose to use our products or services, you assume the responsibility of utilizing them based on these results.

It is important to note that testimonials or performance results may not be typical, and you should not expect to achieve the same or similar results or performance. Individual experiences shared as endorsements, testimonials, or descriptions of past performance represent the real-life experiences of specific customers or members and may not be representative of the results and performances of all customers and members.

If you decide to engage in trading activities, particularly with CFDs (Contracts for Difference), it is crucial to understand that they are complex instruments and carry a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. According to this provider, 79.7% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs. Therefore, you should carefully consider whether you understand how CFDs work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money.

Please be aware that the information provided here is not personalized investment advice, and you should consult with professional financial advisors before making any investment decisions. 


You acknowledge and agree that these Terms and Conditions constitute the entire, complete, and exclusive agreement between you and Alien Traders Hub regarding the Site and the products and services provided. These Terms and Conditions supersede all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral, and whether established by custom, practice, policy, or precedent, relating to the subject matter covered by these Terms and Conditions. The provisions of these Terms and Conditions will continue to apply even after any termination.